Coffee Shop Cheats: Iced Tea Lemonade

This cheat of so simple I am ashamed of writing a whole post about it. Last summer, my brother and I were obsessed with Iced Tea Lemonade. OBSESSED. We once went to three different coffee shops before we found one that wasn’t out of iced green tea.

The crazy thing is that this drink is sold for 3 to 4 $ a pop. That is nonsense. You can make it for pennies by following these steps:

Iced Tea-Lemonade Ingredients

Step 1: Brew some tea in a pitcher.

Any kind of tea, but make it plain (green or black or wtv). I’m not feeling the spiced chai-lemonade combo, but if anyone has tried this please let me know if it’s good. Also, you may want to invest in a good quality tea. I feel like hot drinks don’t have to taste perfect but when you drink them cold, you really notice the flavour subtleties.

Use an appropriate amount of tea bags! Say 3 for a regular sized pitcher.

Step 2: Stick it in the fridge. Wait until it is cold.

As an engineer-in-training, I feel it is my duty to tell you to wait for the tea to cool to room temperature before putting it in the fridge. From the laws of thermodynamics, it is much more energy efficient this way.

Step 3: Buy a carton of lemonade

You can also make it yourself if you’re extra motivated, but I don’t have time for that!

Step 4: Get a glass, put some ice cubes in it, fill with a 50/50 mix of iced tea and lemonade.

If you’re feeling fancy, add a sprig of fresh mint. If you’re feeling fine, add a shot of vodka.

Assuming this recipe (the virgin version) costs 50 cents a glass, that’s 3$ saved for every glass. I’ll drink to that.

Iced Tea-Lemonade

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